How the system works.

We are all living in the system called a state.

The state consists of people, I would like to include animals to our state but its officially not because they can move freely to anywhere in the world, they are belong to the world, the bigger system, a superset of human states.

So only people that have nationality on their official papers are members of the state.

Everybody do things contributing to the state, the societies, in various way. Some produce food, some create software, some collect and distribute money etc. to drive the societies, our eco-system moving forward; to be working. Without one crucial parts like a farmer, the eco-system would die soon.

And because we need a leader or group of people to lead us as a whole in someway to some point. The developed societies has developed the system based on the right of everybody to choose their leaders, not someone holding a gun, not someone claiming their merit to be a ruler.

Because if you allow such a gunman people rules, they would shot someone in someday soon. If you allow someone based on their (self-claiming) merit rules, actually you will never know one’s merit because you have never be with them all the time, they will do things that you can’t protest because they said they do things on their merit. And the goodness people will never corrupt, despite they are, you can’t change them or even check them up. It’s happened like this all over the world through the history.

Thai society moved in the highest point for a while, the highest point that we are all have an equal right to choose our leader for ourselves, for our future. And since you, the reader, realize how important of many roles in our system to be work, we are all important.

So why have we moving back to old day regime?

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